Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Morning Thoughts

Morning Rainbow
Originally uploaded by annetics
We've had some pretty intense rain and hail in the past day or two, so I was happy to be greeted by this sight this morning and am reminded how fortunate I am to live in such a beautiful place.

This week is Diabetes Training Camp for the Triabetes captains down in Tucson, and I am not able to be there because of my bike accident on Feb 1. It has been heartbreaking for me to miss it but it just wasn't an option. The healing is going well, and I have been able to get on my trainer for 15 minutes at a time for several days now; but I won't be able to swim, bike (outside) or run at all until the end of the month, at the earliest. I'm really glad I can use the trainer, though, and conveniently, I already had an old tire on my rear wheel, so won't care if it is completely worn down by the trainer flywheel.

I had a visit with the physical therapist on Monday, and she felt that my shoulder joint is in good shape and gave me a few exercises for loosening up the muscles in my arm and shoulder. We couldn't do much with the core muscles because the ribs are not healed yet, so that will have to wait. I have been concerned about some loss of muscle mass in the left calf, which I noticed 5 days after the crash. None of the doctors I have seen felt like it was a neurological issue; the PT felt like it was most likely related to some deep bruising in the area. I still have an area of bruising on the outside of my calf which is quite painful to the touch. Perhaps the bruises in the lower leg just take longer to heal. I am breathing easier since the rib pain is much reduced and I do not get out of breath as easily. I never did get the Xray of my hand because, even if it were broken, nothing would be done about it, and I think I'm getting enough radiation as it is. I still wonder if I broke some ribs on the right side. The last time I saw the orthopedic PA, he said that I had likely broken at least half of the ribs going down the back on the left. He was pointing out the fractures in each rib in the Xray going down the left side. "Here it is, here it is, here it is...."

Despite all of this, the PT and others feel optimistic that I will have a full recovery and I am feeling much, much better than a month ago! It is going to take a lot of work and I think my biggest challenge will be in having the patience to build up slowly instead of thinking I can just jump in where I left off before the accident. In a way, I feel like I have been building a house over the past few years (of training) which was just burned to the ground in a fire. But if I think about it, I probably still have a good foundation and framework, and just need to put the walls back up (and probably not even all the walls).


Scott K. Johnson said...

Hey Anne,

Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how everything had been going for you and how you have been feeling.

Glad that you are being patient with yourself about working back up. I think the house and fire analogy is very fitting (and frustrating!).

Wishing you well!

Becca said...

Anne, I have been thinking of you (sorry to not catch you on the phone--I'm always feeling yucky when I think to call! I will try to catch you soon!) You have been such a good example through this whole thing of keeping a positive attitude. I expect that your house will be stronger than ever before, and with great wisdom after this difficult time.

love you!

LindaF said...

I love the picture of the rainbow--so beautiful and hopeful. You've been so brave through all of this.

Anonymous said...

I agree that your analogy is appropriate. But, yes, please take it slowly (but surely!)

Liz Findlay said...

Anne- this just sucks. I am so sorry. I remember vividly going just bonkers while on bed rest, feeling like a big lump of goo-- and then when I was given the green light to walk around, I did 20 jumping jacks (to my down-stairs neighbors dismay, I am sure) and the twins were born that night-- a bit much. Then, 48 hours after the c-section, I did 20 sit-ups. BAD IDEA. Can you say, HERNIA?? So needless to say, I am WARNING YOU WITH LOVE to take it easy when you can finally go at it again. It will be so hard, but you just have to do it if you want to get back to the old you as quickly as possible. Take care, Anne!

Ali Rae said...

Hi Anne,

I'm glad you are getting a little more active and are being cautious. The end of the month will be here before you know it and you'll be able to start back to your favorite athletic activities. Believe me, you have a very strong base and it won't disappear nearly as fast as you fear. Take your time, you'll be back to it all before you know it!
